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afisaThe 11th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece, focused on the groundwater vulnerability, will be held in Athens, Greece, October 4-6, 2017.

It is hosted by the Hellenic Committee of Hydrogeology, in collaboration with the Association of Geologists and Mining Engineers of Cyprus. The members of the Hellenic Committee of Hydrogeology are also members of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (I.A.H.) and the Geological Society of Greece.

The Congress is aimed at scientists, researchers, students, government officials and experts dealing with water resources and the environment.

Its main objective is the exchange of ideas and experience, as well as the dissemination of knowledge relating to the contribution of the natural environment to the protection of aquifers against the qualitative and quantitative degradation and to the limitation of their vulnerability.



The official languages of the congress are Greek and English, with simultaneous translation.


Congress Program

11th congress program cover{ VIEW // DOWNLOAD }


Organised by

logo 2 logo logo 3 Hellenic committee of Hydrogeology
    logo 4 Association of Geologists & Mine Engineers of Cyprus
    logo 7 Agricultural University of Athens
    logo ntua

In Collaboration with the

School of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy

National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)


FREEWAT seminar

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The Hellenic Committee of Hydrogeology and the Organizing Committee of the 11th International Hydrogeological Congress would like to thank the authors for their contribution through the presentations and special lectures, the co-organizers, the sponsors and all the participants for the successful organization of the Congress”.


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1.8%Islamic Republic Of Iran Islamic Republic Of Iran
1.8%Israel Israel
1.8%Russian Federation Russian Federation

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Opening Ceremony


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Congress program

11th congress program cover



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Hellenic committee of Hydrogeology
International Assosiation of Hydrogeologists
Geological Society of Greece
Association of Geologists & Mine Engineers of Cyprus
School of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy NTUA
School of Geology AUTH
Agricultural University of Athens
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