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Dear colleague (s)

The Organizing Committee of the 11th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece would like to sincerely thank all colleagues’ who submitted their papers for their prompt response and contribution to the conference.

Upon today’s final submission date (6/8/2017) we kindly request that you adjust your papers to the evaluators’ instructions, to the extent accepted by you and immediately re-submit your papers in order for them to be included in the Congress Proceedings.


The President
Prof. G. Stamatis

11th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece


Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 11th International Hydrogeological Congress we would like to inform you that after multiple requests, the deadline for the submission of full papers has been extended until Sunday 2nd of July, 2017.

The Organizing Committee invites colleagues to participate in the Congress with a full paper, submitting their paper on time.

It is emphasized that no further extension will be given. After the end of this date, the papers will not be accepted.

The Organizing Committee will gladly be at your disposal for any information and we look forward to your prompt response.

All the details regarding the Congress have been posted on the congress’ website (

Please visit the website instructions for the submission process and detailed information about the Congress.

Please forward or share this announcement with whom it may concern.


Yours faithfully,


On behalf of the Organizing Committee

The President

Prof. G. Stamatis

11th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece


Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 11th International Hydrogeological Congress we would like to inform you that after multiple requests, the deadline for the submission of full papers has been extended until 18th of June, 2017.

The Organizing Committee invites colleagues to participate in the Congress with a full paper, to register and submit their paper on time, to facilitate the review and revision process.

After the end of this date, the papers will not be accepted, because the time is limited and the review of papers will be difficult.

The Organizing Committee will gladly be at your disposal for any information and we look forward to your prompt response.

All the details regarding the Congress have been posted on the congress’ website (

Please visit the website instructions for the submission process and detailed information about the Congress.

Please forward or share this announcement with whom it may concern.


Yours faithfully,


On behalf of the Organizing Committee

The President

Prof. G. Stamatis

11th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece


Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 11th International Hydrogeological Congress we would like to inform you that after multiple requests, the deadline for the submission of full papers has moved to May 31st 2017.

The Organizing Committee invites colleagues intending to participate in the Congress with a full paper, to register and submit their paper in due time, to facilitate the review and revision process.


The Organizing Committee will be at your disposal for any further information that may be needed and will be looking forward to your kind contribution.


All the details regarding the Congress have been posted on the congress’ website (


Please visit the website instructions for the submission process and detailed information about the Congress. Please forward or share this announcement with whom it may concern.


To conclude, we would like to thank you for your cooperation and to express our best wishes for a happy Easter.


Yours faithfully,


On behalf of the Organizing Committee

The President

G. Stamatis

Professor at Agricultural University of Athens

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Hellenic committee of Hydrogeology
International Assosiation of Hydrogeologists
Geological Society of Greece
Association of Geologists & Mine Engineers of Cyprus
School of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy NTUA
School of Geology AUTH
Agricultural University of Athens
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