You are here: HomeCongress LocationAgricultural University of Athens

The Agricultural University of Athens (A.U.A.) is located at Iera Odos 75 in the area of Votanikos, Athens.

It was established by law in 1920 as an independent Higher Education Institute with university status under the name of the Highest Agricultural School of Athens (H.A.S.A.).

The main purpose of the establishment of the Higher Agricultural School of Athens was the training of new scientists with purpose the development of the rural economy as well as to address the complexity of issues concerning the rural area at that time.

In 1995, the Agricultural School of Athens, is renamed Agricultural University of Athens. It consists of six Departments of discrete objects that are part of the two Schools, the School of Agricultural Production, Infrastructure & Environment and the School of Food, Biotechnology & Development.

The Education and Research provided by the Agricultural University of Athens are both of high level and, based on its research, its position at European as well as International level can be characterized as remarkable. For more information please visit, official website of the University.

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1.8%Israel Israel
1.8%Russian Federation Russian Federation

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Hellenic committee of Hydrogeology
International Assosiation of Hydrogeologists
Geological Society of Greece
Association of Geologists & Mine Engineers of Cyprus
School of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy NTUA
School of Geology AUTH
Agricultural University of Athens
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